since 1997

Our company has been operating continuously since 1997

more than 250 productions per year

We are present at more than 250 broadcasts a year.


We always make our best to make everyone satisfied with our wok.

Car fleet

Our car fleet allows us to make 4 broadcasts in one day.

What can we do?

In the area of live TV productions we can offer many solutions.

virtual graphic

We can make and use the virtual graphic for your prudction


We can help you with connection to the timekeeping machines on the stadiums

Software according your needs

We can make graphics or other type of software according the client's needs

Sports data collection

We are able to collect data (statistics) in real time

Who do we work with

We cooperate with many broadcasters so you could see our work in several TV channels

The majority of our products can be seen on RTVS Sport (or the other channels from RTVS portfolio).


Sport 1 and Sport 2 channels are also Tipos Extraliga broadcasters. So you can see our work in their channels as well.


You can watch our work on Dajto as well. As long as you watch Fortuna Liga (which is also broadcasted on Nova Sport).


News from our blogs

Dňa 13.2.2024 sa v hale VŠC Dukla na Štiavničkách uskutočnilo najvýznamnejšie slovenské halové […]
Legendy na ľade. 11.2.2024 sa v Steel Arene v Košiciach uskutočnil zápas […]
We filled the time between seasons with some less traditional broadcasts.

Contact Information

Vajanského 43

Vajanského 43
Prešov, 080 01

© TVG s.r.o.

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